The Dallas City Council has expressed interest in prohibiting sex offenders from living near schools, parks and other kid-friendly areas. The idea, which is being pushed by Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings and is backed by the Dallas Police Department, would create a buffer zone, though specifics have not been determined. There are more than 3,300 registered sex offenders living in Dallas. Full Article
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Amazing. Most of the people seem to get it. Yes, there are a couple of stupidos who want execution, castration, and 24/7 monitoring, but even people who had initially felt that such laws already existed actually enunciated clear, logical reasons for not creating residency restriction zones.
The DPD is not concerned about constitutional rights. A friend of mine told me decades ago about how LE generally makes things easier for themselves – first and foremost. It took me that long to get it.
Having these organizations pushing laws usually ends up with funding, glad handing at political and community rallies, perpetual punishment of ex criminals etc. Very little of it has to do with constitutional rights of individuals whose sentences were completed decades ago. Why confuse matters by introducing astonishing facts about former offenders and spoil low hanging fruit for the press releases?
When these laws are slammed in, it takes years to get them resolved in appeals courts. They know they are unconstitutional yet they use the bully pulpit to get them in and enjoy the frenzy, chaos and most importantly, funding and ratings, in the short term at the heavy cost to victims of the registry and their families.
It’s and election year as well. Perfect timing to pad the resume for present and future political opportunism.
We are making a difference one comment at a time. This seems to be a race of endurance not a sprint. The roots of our problems are at the community level with the neighbors, co-workers and fellow church members and community leaders we are around. We registrants should seek to volunteer and be involved…if we are rejected for trying that is a statement in itself that we are out to better our lives and those in the community at large. Change takes chipping away at the roots not just cutting the surface grass. Engage, Engage, Engage…talk to your pastors, teachers and even those in law enforcement. I went to talk to the police about me volunteering locally by helping my fellow homeless veterans and was called out at the meeting by a local Costa Mesa police officer demanding I leave the installation. Who looked like an idiot? He did and yes all the good that I was involved in up until then got looked at reflecting back on those involved that I’m really not such a monster, but a rather helpful guy. So yes, no matter how little you do DO something and make a difference for good somewhere.
I think this is terrible! All sex offenders should be banned from driving a car, prohibited from using a computer, being out of their home past 10pm, prohibited from visiting parks, libraries, beaches, swimming pools, schools and they are not allowed to participate in Halloween celebrations and also Christmas! What if they look at a child from afar? They also shouldn’t be allowed to live within a mile of bus stops, schools and whatever else we can think of! THEY All should be implanted with a computer chip, a sign must be planted on their lawn 24 hours a day with neon lights warning people that a sex offender convicted of flashing 25 years ago lives at the residence and they must call the local police department if they leave the house and their phone lines must have an eavsdropping device attached to it as well! Actually, why don’t we take them all to Iraq and parachute them all down to Isis so they can shoot them all. Rehabilitation doesn’t exist and everyone is bad!Lets allow the gang members, drug dealers, wife beaters, prostitutes, pimps, vehicular manslaughter drivers and felons convicted of carrying a firearm to visit all of these places. So what if they sell drugs to underage children or shoot up the park! Texas, get with the program!
The truth shall set you free. I love sarcasm. It makes you think a little harder.
Too bad congress and lawmakers can’t have USA’s message shoved in their face on a daily basis.
They might see what a waste of time and money the registry is or they might just add everyone who ever broke any law to it. Idiots!
It should be all or nothing people. Wake up and figure it out!
People make mistakes. They learn what not to do! Do your time. Say your sorry and move on with your life.
If you break the same law twice then you might need a wake up call in jail or prison for a long while. No dought about it. Sex crime or not. It does not matter.
Your a hard headed dummy with some learning or mental issues and need extra attention/counciling.
That should be the qualifier for the registry if there is to be a credible registry at all.
Common sense people! Where has it gone?
Thank you USA for your sarcastic words of wisdom.